Play Want Bin Expense: 2017-05-15

Play Want Bin Expense: 2017-05-15

Two weeks in one! It’s a bonus double episode! (Or I’m lazy and/or forgot)


Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (PS4)
I wrote a lot more about it here, when I completed it, but in brief: It’s great, I really liked it, there are bugs, I’ll play it more even though the story is done, there’s no end of game sequence which is odd, and I’m now looking forward to Assassin’s Creed Origins. Assuming that’s the final name, which it possibly isn’t.

Picross e7 (3DS)
Some 23 hours in now, and still less than half finished. That’s skewed a bit though, as a quirk of mine is to generally do the harder puzzles first, and the easiest puzzles when I don’t have much time. This means most of the puzzles that aren’t yet done are in the middle somewhere. Oh, and I’ve finished the micross and bonus puzzles, so perhaps I’m closer to finished than I thought.

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (3DS)
Because after finishing Oracle of Ages, of course I was going to make a start on this. I’m up to the third dungeon (I think), and it’s great. But then I knew that. I’m right about it being more combat-based than Oracle of Ages was too.


One of the things I was going to mention was Lego City Undercover (Switch) again, but I got that this morning! I still want/need Sonic Mania (Switch) though, and having had a brief play of Blaster Master Zero (Switch) I think I want that too. And Assassin’s Creed Origins (PS4).


Fingers, still. They were less sore last week. They’re awful again today. Sigh. As for games, nothing really.


Lost Odyssey (360) – £2
New Art Academy (3DS) – £3
Metrico+ (Mac) – Free
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – Present
Paper Mario Colour Splash (Wii U) – Present

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