Search Results for: Lawnmower Man, The
Let’s Play! Bonus: Advanced Lawnmower Simulator Advance
Just to finish everything off, here’s my other remake of Advanced Lawnmower Simulator – for the Game Boy Advance. I wrote it in 2004, and it was actually a lot easier than writing the Game Boy version. I even added a “SNES Mode 7” style rotate to the title screen, and included music (from the film The Lawnmower Man). Sadly, the only onlineable emulator I could find (Boycott Advance Online) runs too fast and without sound. Ah well.
Finally! The version of RSG you’ve been waiting for!
Many, many, many years ago, I wrote a terrible text based roleplaying game called RSG. I initially made a version for the Sinclair Spectrum, but lost the code soon afterwards. Then I wrote a version for the Acorn A4000 in BBC Basic instead of doing my A level computing project. Then a version for the Casio programmable calculator when I’d finished a physics exam. At some point I also made a version in AMOS on the Amiga, and eventually rewrote …
Things I’ve been playing recently
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (3DS) Have I posted about this yet? I can’t remember. It’s the main game-on-the-go-that-isn’t-called-Animal-Crossing on my 3DS at the moment, having started it soon after finishing off Zelda. So far, it’s a slight deviation from previous Layton games, as there are a lot of locations and travel between them. This makes the game seem a lot bigger, but as you’ve the option of finishing up several of the locations in any order (or at …