We’ve got two main uses.

For staff: We have a web-based electronic register, and not all areas of the school are covered by a desktop computer from which to do this, so a wireless handheld device is ideal (and the browser – Firefox – works with the register, PDA browsers don’t). Ditto for internal web-based email.

For pupils: We’re implimenting a VLE (virtual learning environment), which (again) is web-based. In order to use it, do lessons, homework, tests, etc. all you need a web-browser.

There are no drives – no floppy, no CD/DVD and no hard drive. The HDD is replaced by 4GB of flash. It also has USB and SD card ports, and can use the SD card as a “second hard drive”. You can watch films on it, yes – it comes with a media player and media management software.

You can transfer files via USB drive (but the purposes we’re using them for won’t require any file transfer).

It doesn’t have bluetooth, although my generic USB bluetooth adapter works fine – you just need to install a few extra packages (this is documented on the Wiki at http://www.eeeuser.com – a Very Helpful Site). Since the script I use on my Mac to use my Vario II’s internet connection via bluetooth was altered from a Linux script, I would imagine it can be done on the EeePC too. I haven’t looked into it much. There are also scripts that let you do it via USB tethering, although success and support varies by phone.

Oh, and you can make an internal bluetooth adapter…