Hi Andy,

Great blog!

Thank you for solving the problem, it’s been driving me crazy : ) . I get another problem instead however… When I log into the account, or try to save a new node (page, book etc) it goes to a blank screen. I then have to go back to view the new content or use my bookmark. This message also appears when I log on:

* warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/9/d168201024/htdocs/staffroomproject.com/themes/beginning/template.php:42) in /homepages/9/d168201024/htdocs/staffroomproject.com/includes/session.inc on line 101.
* warning: session_regenerate_id() [function.session-regenerate-id]: Cannot regenerate session id – headers already sent in /homepages/9/d168201024/htdocs/staffroomproject.com/includes/session.inc on line 104.

Any idea what’s happened since the php was modified?
