Hehe, well if they can con us. We can con them.

I sent off for the claim, in an envelope without a stamp. Because they’re so desperate for my 6.50 they sent me back an envelope, with someones scruffy handwriting on. It had a slim piece of paper, which had my personal claim verification number as 55XY inside it. Obviously the TA00075 bit was the same and it said “= Digital Camera”

This slim piece of paper, was just printed off on a normal printer.

So ive decided to re-create it, slightly change the “TA00075 = Digital Camera” to “TA00093 = ¬£5000 Cash”

Then im going to send it off, with a stamp that costs me 36p. Because 36p, is well worth making that someone think oh s***!

And not only would i get a decent prize(its possible), but i wouldnt have to pay the £6.50 charge for insurance and delivery. Ha Ha Ha Ha (The letter says All Electrical Items require a payment of £6.50.

Mines not electrical, mines paper. Ner Ner.

I doubt it will work.

But hey, they pee us off, lets pee them off.

Peace Out Guys