@Jamey Lee:

In the terms and conditions, it clearly states that you will be charged if you download any of the music files for any ordered CDs that you then go and cancel your order of afterwards.What’s more, it says you’ll be billed at the digital download price — which is often more expensive than if you’d just gone ahead and purchased the CD outright and gotten the autorips thrown in for free, at least then you could at least sell the CD on if you didn’t want it or you were giving it to someone as a present (all the tracks in my autorip amazon player account are all from CDs I’ve brought over the last ten years or so for other people as gifts, which is pretty neat really! Not that I buy that many but…free music, and it’s nice you can download the proper mp3 files easily onto your desktop sans any silly restrictions or DRM or someother anti-thing to limit your enjoyment in life. Rare that is, these days~).

How have you gotten around this or if you check your bank/cc statement is there a nasty surprise waiting there for you?