Hi there,
So… I was helping a friend transfer her data to a new 3DS and I thought I screwed up all her saved data because I said “yes to having a regular SDHC card in her 3DS.” Turns out, she had one DSiware game that needed to transferred over so I was able to transfer all of her old save data to her new 3DS while moving the DSiware content to her new micro SDHC card. This method is longer than the PC transfer but I found it a lot easier to follow.
So, I have a question. I am using a 16 GB micro SDHC card (through an adapter) in my regular 3DS… If I were to use the utility on a 128GB micro SDHC card, could I transfer the data the same way I did for her New 3DS on my New 3DS or should I give the PC setup a shot? If no, how would I get the saved data off of my micro sdhc card onto my new sdxc card? (just follow the steps above perhaps)?