Completing most of the games you buy is quite a recent thing, isn’t it? I’m not sure if it’s because games are easier these days, but they’re certainly less of a faff. You don’t have to wait five minutes for them to load, for one thing, and permadeath is much less common: “Oh, you died? Here, go back to where you were 30 seconds ago with all your equipment fully intact and have another shot at it, eh? Off you trot…”

I’m fairly sure I could count the number of games I completed in my first 20 years of gaming – roughly 1981-2001 – on my fingers. One handed, probably. (Tau Ceti, Mercenary, Dark Side… um… definitely struggling now…)

Saboteur certainly isn’t one of ’em, though. I always get it confused with a rather excellent ZX81 game by Don “gigantic sprites” Priestly called Sabotage.