“then have to wait an hour while the credits scrolled”

I’ve never understood this. I scroll back and forth through long text files at will all day (I’m doing it right now… wheeeee!). Computers are really good at that. So why do I have to sit patiently while a list of everyone even remotely involved with a game crawls up the screen – even if it does have a “fast forward” – simply because developers want to pretend they’ve made a movie? You don’t see the actors in films stepping out in front of a fake curtain to take a bow, expecting the audience to applaud. Movies aren’t theatre, and games aren’t movies.

And then, the only bit you really want to see – the voice acting – always comes forty minutes in, after the legal team, the Swahili localisaion team, the intern who made the tea, and the office cleaners’ cat. Just knock it off, devs. Give us a scrollable text file. Or code up a menu system instead of lumping everything together. Anything but the fake movie credits.


“the game must be doing something right or I wouldn’t bother.”

I always feel that Assassin’s Creed games are like pizza (as Woody Allen said of sex, but that’s all a bit creepy now so let’s pretend he didn’t): even when they’re bad, they’re still pretty good.