Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

My trip to the second Pendant was cut short on my first attempt, due to the battery on my GBA SP running out. However, a swift charge later, and I was back on my way.

I remembered most of this dungeon from last time I played the game, so found a couple of pieces of heart on the way in and around it. The “weapon” here was the Power Glove, which I needed to get to the boss, although not to actually kill him. In fact, all I needed to do to kill the three snakes that made up the boss, was hit them with my sword.

Now, don’t get me wrong – Link to the Past is a great game. It’s just, well, not as great as I recall, and Ages and Seasons, despite being technically less impressive, certainly seem the better games. Maybe it’ll improve once it opens up a little more.

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