Sonic Advance 2

Sonic Advance 2

Blimey. It has been months since I last played this. Put it into my shiny new Game Boy Micro and had a play this morning.

Seems I’m still stuck on Sky Canyon. Pah.

Managed to get to the boss, but died. Had no lives left, so when I continued I had to do the whole of Sky Canyon again. After going through this cycle a few times (there are too many leaps-of-faith on Sky Canyon, which means UNAVOIDABLE DEADNESS) I bored of it and switched it off. Pff.


  1. And right tricky it is too, I bet. I’m playing the UK version, which is the same game but in english I think, and it is a damn sight tougher than the new Zelda games. I’ve had to look at GameFaqs and everything.


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