I started playing the game about 5 days ago. I made it to the gardens part, where you gotta push a block onto a switch to keep a door open. Fought the crow guy, again. Then I did the block thing, went through the door, and turned the switch to the correct position to get the water flowing. Then I continued and had to retrace my steps. Saved at the water fountain. On my way back to the main garden area where there are those four switches and the water that runs in grooves in the ground, I died. No big deal I thought because I had saved the game. I retried it and I got to the main garden area. No changes. From what I understand there were supposed to be new switches appear in the ground aroun the maiden statue…not there. So I went back to the outside gardens area and tried to redo the scene with the block. Nothing happens. The switch stays depressed, the bar stays down/activated, and everything stays the same. Going back in time doesn’t help, nor going back intime followed by going immediately back to the future. I’m stuck. After hours of gameplay and frustrating technical work I’m stuck. I can’t go back to before I moved the block and turned that switch (that was supposed to give new floor switches, and I can’t redo the section. AAARRg. So now I think I have to either restart the whole game or just say to hell with it and give it up for good.