Superman Returns (Demo) (360)

Superman Returns (Demo) (360)

Oh my. This has to be one of the worst games I’ve played in a long time. The graphics are awful. Like, PS1 quality for the most part – especially close up to walls and things. Buildings are out of proportion with the characters, as one “floor” of a tall building appears to be just half as tall as Superman.

So I did a couple of the required tasks, fighting with the stupid flying controls as much as the baddies, and then got bored so decided to rampage. And here’s the thing: you can’t kill innocent bystanders. You can punch them, burn them, freeze them and even blow them into walls, but they don’t die. You can pick them up, fly really high, but can’t drop them. You can, however, park them on top of a tall building then blow them off it, but they either vanish in mid-air, or land without a scratch. Rubbish.

Yes, I know that isn’t the point of the game. That matters not.

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