Tony Hawk’s Project 8 (360)

Tony Hawk’s Project 8 (360)

I chipped away at the Pro goals for a while, managing to bump about four Ams to Pro. Still at Rank 6 though. I still can’t see how to get to the goal in the Slums either.

I then spent quite a while playing online, partly to get the Complete 50 Games Online achievement, but also as something else to do in the game. Most of the games played were Trick Attack ones (which are dull), but got in a few games of Graffiti (my favourite) and some of Walls (which is like the Tron light-cycles thing – ace!).

Some idiot kid kept setting up a “first to 5,000,000” game, then restarting it as soon as he lost the lead, which was annoying.

Didn’t get the achievement, but I did complete 20 or more games online, and have played it online a few times before, so can’t be far off.

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