Assorted PSP Demos (PSP)

Assorted PSP Demos (PSP)

Downloaded some more PSP demos today and had a play. Hurrah for free things!

Hot Shots Golf 2
Or Minna no Golf 2, or whatever the English name is. Lovely! Only three holes, and I had to guess the controls, but it’s cute and colourful and plays just like those other golf games that I like. You know the ones – ones that aren’t crap.

Ape Escape 2
Erm. Monkeys. And a terrible, awful, rubbish camera. And it uses the “analogue” nub, so is instantly rubbish. Tch, eh?

SOCOM Firezzzzzyawn
Guh. Can you aim without moving? Can you move without getting shot? Is it any good? The answers to these questions, and more, is “no”.

Thing With A Cat And A Frog And A Rabbit In
No idea. All in Japanese. Looks cute, haven’t a clue what to do. Lots of text. Amazing!

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