After stumbling across a load of old copies of Practical Electronics and Everyday Electronics (now merged), I found some rather interesting articles on hardware projects for Sinclair machines. Most are for the ZX81, but some are for the Spectrum.
Rather than keep these goodies all to myself, I have decided to scan them all in and upload them for your delight and delectation. Please note that they are straight scans – I haven’t OCRed them at all. And don’t complain to me if you fry your ZX81s 🙂
please help trying to find a pc emulator that runs micro command speech unit
better yet
can you use retro X to convert pc avi video frame by frame to screen$
was hoping to have a go for the sam coupe mode 4 16 colour but its 24kb and i know teh z80b cant shufty this amount around at 50hz even witha dma like the mb-02+ interface – my god a hi density drive thats faster than the amiga!
all the best folks hope you like the vid
if you code then please help us find how to pull/rip 3d vector graphics from software?