deKay's Lofi Gaming


Yes, I know I’ve completed it. Someone emailed me asking how to defeat the end of game boss, and, since I couldn’t exactly remember, I had a go at it again. The game is certainly a lot easier than when I played it previously, for some reason! Anyway, you blow up the goop, eat the shadow Pac-men, fire arrows at the white thing, repeat all that three times, then draw Pac-Man after Pac-Man, quickly, to eat the black thing that …


There is actually a bit more to this game than just drawing Pac-Man, it seems. After completing the first four chapters, I can now draw multi-use arrows – they burst bubbles, hit switches, and stun ghosts. I’ve also killed two”bosses” as well – one which required me to draw larger and larger Pac-Mans (Men?) to eat it, and another one that involved eating his eyes. Obviously. I had a poke (literally) around the extra bits, and ended up in the …


Just a quick go of this to see what it’s like. It’s like, er, Pac-Man, only not. It seems fun, if a little repetitive so far. Completed the first chapter and turned it off for now.