deKay's Lofi Gaming

Super Retro Weekend Special!

With it being Retro Week (now extended to Retro Fortnight) on ugvm, and with a guy coming up in a few weeks to interview me about old game systems, I rummaged through the loft this weekend for some old kit. Standout games were: Virus (Speccy)It’s a bit bloody hard, yes? Qix (Atari 400)Excellent, even if the Qix (that’s the multi-line baddie in the middle, yes?) seemed to move at random rather than bounce off things. River Raid (Atari 400)Pretty good, …

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

So I shot some more Klingons, shot a rock for minerals, then shot some Klingons, then shot a rock for more minerals. Then I shot some Klingons, and then shot a rock. After that, I shot some Klingons, followed by a rock. Then Klingons. Then a rock. And some Klingons. And a rock. Riveting stuff, no? Finally, with all the Klingons and rocks out of the way, I flew back to the Excelsior. Sadly, there were some Klingons (but no …