deKay's Lofi Gaming

Assorted Xbox 360 Demos (360)

Well, I say “assorted”, but in fact there were only two: StrangleholdIt’s John Woo, in game form! It’s a stylish third-person shooter, with now-clichéd bullet-time (or rather, “Tequila Time”. Cue “Tequila, it makes me happy” and “Stop! Tequila Time!” jokes, which I’ll refrain from. It looks nice, has some clever bits (like the multi-way showdowns where you must dodge bullets with one stick, and aim your guns with the other), and is full of impressive Woo stunt direction, but I …

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Bah. I was doing really well, had shot all the missiles at the satellite, and had destroyed the huge cannon thing. I had even managed to make inroads towards the Black Hole base, and was generally winning. I had a small army of Blue Moon Neotanks and artillery en-route to do some damage, and a Blue Moon Battleship was providing backup and cover. And then, I got sloppy and let one Black Hole soldier through to the Blue Moon base …