January 30th, 2005 January 30th, 2005 1000m? No. Still. Grrr. MastodonTwitterTumblrRedditPocketMoreEmailFacebookLinkedInPrint Related
I got to 987m on Mr Driller 2 (Normal mode) the other day. I was quite angry. Loading... Manchester Chris January 31st, 2005 at 15:26 20 years ago Reply
I would have cried real actual man-tears. From both eyes. And then smashed it. Loading... deKay January 31st, 2005 at 17:05 20 years ago Reply
I got to 987m on Mr Driller 2 (Normal mode) the other day. I was quite angry.
I would have cried real actual man-tears. From both eyes. And then smashed it.