Yet another new DS game, look! This one is similar to Brain Age, in that it’s more of a brain-expanding puzzle game than a real actual videogame. It differs in that you don’t really need to play each day, there’s more variety in the type of games to play, and each game has three different difficulty levels to play at. Also, it doesn’t track your progress (although you do get a running total of your scores, of sorts, and a high score for each game).
Braininess is measured on a weight scale. 750g is “average for someone who doesn’t exercise their brain”, and Professor Lobe, the character who takes you through the game, has a brain weight of 1900g. I got 874g on the test today, which was pretty good, I thought. Also had a stab at getting medals for all the brain games. There are 45 medals to get in total, and I have about 10 so far, mostly bronze and silver with a couple of gold.