Amazing! Three games in three days, after a lapse of a few weeks! I’m still somewhat behind on last year’s game-a-week complete-a-thon (although I didn’t expect to repeat it this year anyway), but at least I’ve caught up a little.
There was one more boss, and then after a couple more levels the final end of game boss. He was actually pretty difficult too, mainly due to the speed that the “well” fills up, but also due to his annoying ability to remove one of my run-of-four Pokémon lines just before they’re matched up, thus losing me a load of time, thus killing me. Bah.
Anyway, after about eight attempts, he was defeated. Yay for me! Afterwards, it seems a harder game is unlocked. Well, I assume it’s harder anyway. I don’t see any other reason for being sent back to the beginning again.