Well, it’s whole week really, not just a weekend. I have recently played these:
Guitar Hero World Tour (360)
Meh. It’s very Meh now. And Meh isn’t good. Some of the tracks are OK, but very few are excellent. And what’s with all the country and western? Pah.
Street Fighter IV (360)
I’m rubbish. Really rubbish. Even on Easy I’m having difficulty beating Seth. And El Fuerte is the most ridiculous to control character ever, Ever!
Scribblenauts (DS)
Still excellent and hilarious. Funny for mainly the wrong reasons when things don’t happen as expected. On World 8 now, I think.
And the return of my (well, someone else’s, it seems) repaired Wii meant a splurge and the purchase of three downloadable games:
Pilotwings (Wii)
It’s not actually great. In fact, it’s a bit pants. What a shame.
Solomon’s Key (Wii)
Fun platformy-puzzle thing. It’s getting very hard very quickly, though.
“Aha! I Got It!” Escape Game (Wii)