Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)

Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)

I’m now fully settled into the town of Cheese, and have planted all the trees and expanded my house a bit. Not that I’m making best use of the space in my house:

But anyway. I’ve built two bridges, a street lamp, and the Dream Suite too. I’ve only used the latter to update my “dream”, and haven’t actually visited anyone yet. I’ve been far too busy making all the Bells.

Although I’ve not ditched the traditional TURNIP FRENZY method of getting rich, I’ve found a much more reliable source of the janglies – perfect fruit. For each perfect pear (my native perfect fruit – no other perfect fruit will grow in your town) I sell at Re-Tail in someone else’s town (providing, of course, pears aren’t their native fruit either) I get 3,000 bells. I have over 40 Perfect Pear trees, giving me 3 PPs every few days. I’ve made over a million bells this way in less than a week.

I still have 5,000 turnips to offload before the weekend though, so I’m hoping for a big price somewhere!

More frequently updated Animal Crossing news on my Tumblr:

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