It isn’t clear why this game is called The Room, because there aren’t really any rooms in it. It plays like an escape room – which many puzzles, and puzzles within puzzles – but no actual rooms. Sure, there are a couple of doors but they’re free-standing portals really.
Aside from that, it was a nice little thing to play. You’re given a puzzle box with various holes and buttons and handles to try and use or open hatches and drawers, which reveal further items and puzzles workings like cogs and rotating things. As well as what you can see on the box, you also have a special lens you can look through which reveals hidden markings, that give clues to solutions or contain puzzles of their own.

I played most of the game using the Switch joycon as a sort of Wii remote, which is the first game I’ve played like this (the odd minigame on Super Mario Party and aiming in Darts on 52 Worldwide Games aside) and it works a lot better than I expected. I had to recentre the pointer quite a few times, but it didn’t detract from the game in any way.