deKay's Lofi Gaming

Am I ready to go Mac-only?

I’ve had a Mac mini now for almost four years. I bought it for two reasons: I needed a new Linuxy server, and my wife needed a machine for internet and email use. Since OS X, under the hood at least, is close enough to Linux to allow me to set up the SSH server, Leafnode, Apache and PHP things I used my old (P233) Linux box for, and it was easy to use “at the desktop”, it seemed perfect. …

Creating an RSS feed using PHP

Doesn’t the title of this post just fill you with thoughts of fun and excitement? Of things you love to do on warm, sunny days? Of course it does. On Friday evening, I thought (as you do), “I know! I’m going to create my own RSS feed in PHP!”. And promptly did. Hurrah! Thing is, it turned out to be a lot harder than I expected, due to the lack of full and/or correct information on the internet. Here then, …

Touch Detective (DS)

Sunday night is turning into Start A New Game night for me, it seems. Last week it was Hotel Dusk, and today it’s Touch Detective. First impressions, then: Bizarre. It’s a point and click adventure, with a very odd setting. The first detective case you get, for instance, is about you trying to find the thief who steals dreams. Yes, that’s what I said. The humour is great too, but mostly lost for people who don’t look at the top …