Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (Switch): COMPLETED!

Konami changed things in the Metroidvania formula for Order of Ecclesia in a number of ways. Firstly, you play solo as An Actual Woman, a rare thing in Castlevania games. Shanoa is part of an organisation tasked with protecting the world from the possible resurgence of Dracula in a time in history when the Belmonts seem to have disappeared. Spoiler: the organisation actually wants to resurrect Dracula. Secondly, there’s a world map with many discrete, and mostly small levels. Like …

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (Switch): COMPLETED!

After so many, let’s be honest, near identical Castlevania games where you go into Dracula’s castle and explore and there’s a ballroom and a clock tower and some sewers, Portrait of Ruin comes up with a way of changing that. Sure, you’re still in the castle, but you’re not up against Dracula – just some other guy who has taken over his house and put paintings up everywhere. Each painting leads to a different world, so there’s a creepy house, …

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Switch): COMPLETED!

Fun fact: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow on the DS was my first Metroidvania type Castlevania game. Yes, I played the Holy GBA Trilogy a couple of years after this, and it’s 19 years since I first played Dawn of Sorrow. I’d not even had this diary going for that long at the time. Somehow, I still remembered a lot of the game. Most of the bosses, how to reach certain areas, and certainly the plot were all there in my …

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS): COMPLETED!

Obviously, I’m going to have to stick some spoilers in here, otherwise I’m not going to be able to say anything about the game. Because, oh boy, were there a few reveals in the latter half of Last Window. Like in the first game, hardly anyone was quite who they appeared to be, and everyone had at least one secret to hide. The main “what?!” moment was when Dylan – as in, bumbling clumsy sticky-beak handyman Dylan – is revealed …

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS)

Super Backlog Fighter! I’ve had this for almost a year now, but, like many things, it’s sat on the Pile of Shame (TM). But now I have saved it from that pile, and am playing it! On an actual DS Lite too, for added retro authenticity. Not that the game, or the DS Lite is actually that old, but you know what I mean. Many moons ago, I played Hotel Dusk: Room 101. It was a point-and-click interactive story adventure …

Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call (DS): COMPLETED!

The ending of this was much less dramatic than at least the last two Layton games. It didn’t matter, especially since this is a prequel, but I kept expecting something… more. That didn’t happen. Never mind though. Something else odd was how much easier the puzzles were in this one. I’ve not done them all yet (I think I’ve completed about 105 out of the 155 main ones), but I’m sure that the final few puzzles in the other games …

Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call (DS)

I was so torn about getting this. I nearly bought the US version simply because it has Professor Layton’s London Life included (the UK version doesn’t), but then I’d have to put up with “Last Specter” (shudder) on the box, and Luke’s US voice, which may cause me to snap something. The obvious solution would be to buy both versions – this for the main game, and the US one for London Life. This may yet happen. I’m not very …

Super Scribblenauts (DS): COMPLETED!

Despite enjoying the original Scribblenauts, I didn’t buy the sequel (until I saw it for a fiver in Morrisons this week) for several reasons. Firstly, the later levels on the original were too hard. Not hard to find the items you have to draw, but more hard because of the fiddly controls (mainly moving Maxwell) and trying not to knock stuff over or position things slightly wrongly. There were also a lot of platforming sections, or “peril” situations where it …

Stuff wot I are bin playing

I’ve not posted in a while, aside from to mention Yakuza 3 and Old World Blues, but I have still been playing games. Here’s a round-up of what’s been going down over the last few weeks: Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS) I actually completed this at the start of the year, but as I did with the previous two games once the story was done I left the remaining puzzles until near the release of the following game. …

Trackmania DS (DS)

I bought this a while ago from a car boot sale having remembered that I enjoyed it on the PC way-back-when, and knowing that it didn’t rely on amazing graphics so the DS version (which I didn’t know existed) would probably be quite good. Especially if it had the platform and puzzle levels I liked most, and it did. Things started out well enough, with me rattling through the first time trial tracks in racing, off-road and rally cars (all …

Sonic the Hedgehog (DS): COMPLETED!

With all the Chaos Emeralds, of course. Only lost a couple of lives (Scrap Brain Zone 2 *shakes fist*) but somehow didn’t collect many along the way. I suppose it’s just because I didn’t bother trying for them, and after getting the Chaos Emeralds, didn’t bother with collecting many rings either. The end of game boss is laughably easy these days. I remember him being nails back in the day, but Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 both have much harder …

Sonic the Hedgehog (DS)

T’other day I found myself in HMV and happened upon Sonic Classics Collection (Sonic 1-3 and Sonic & Knuckles) for the DS. I’d heard about it ages ago, but don’t remember it actually coming out. As is the way with Sonic games of old (and sadly, often of new), I had to buy it. So I did! And it’s the most faithful version of Sonic I’ve played on a handheld. OK, so it seems the screen resolution is slightly too …

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (DS)

OK, I’m starting to flag now. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the size of the levels – which are HUGE. Probably too huge, actually. When was the last time you played a 2D platformer where some levels were almost an hour long? Yes, some of the time is spent puzzling not run-and-jumping, but still – it’s ages. Especially since you can’t save mid-level. It’s getting harder too. I’ve lost a few lives now, but still have over 20 in …

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (DS)

I’m having a bit of a DS kick at the moment. Perhaps it’s the soon-to-be-released 3DS that’s reminded me about it? Or maybe the fun I had at the ugvm meet playing Mario Kart? Who knows! Henry Hatsworth is a game I’ve had on my shelf, unplayed, for some time now. Much like many games I own. When it came out, many people bought it thinking it was going to be like Professor Layton, but I was not one of …