Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS): COMPLETED!

Hurrah! My first game of the year completed, and the first since the birth of my daughter. It seems fatherhood and gaming can co-exist after all! Some of the final puzzles were very hard, but I’m pleased I managed to complete all of them (well, the 113 of the 120 I found) without losing any Picorats or spending any Hint Coins. After completing the game, I went back to find some more puzzles, managing to locate all bar one. I …

Guitar Hero: On Tour (DS): COMPLETED!

Well, hand cramp or no, I completed it this afternoon. It had to be done in three sittings as it hurt so much, but eventually I managed it. So, yeah. Not a bad game, just not really suited for the DS. And the track list is, aside from a few songs, somewhat worse than other Guitar Hero games. But I only paid £12 for it, so I’m not going to complain too much.

Guitar Hero: On Tour (DS)

It’s Guitar Hero! On the DS! With added hand cramp! That’s right – hand cramp. It’s pretty much all the DS version brings to the game, actually. No matter which way I hold it, I get cramp on my little finger and wrist. Not that my little finger is of much use, as I can barely reach the blue button with it, meaning I have no hope at all with the harder difficulty levels. But I persevered with it, and …

Still Alive DS (DS)

Still Alive DS is a freeware game you can run on your DS if you have one of those evil, obviously only used for piracy, flash cards. Like an R4 or something. It’s a 2D sort-of remake of Portal, featuring the same sorts of puzzles, turrets, cubes and plasma balls, as well as the two-portal gameplay. It’s a bit fiddly to control, and it doesn’t look all that amazing, but it’s a solid, clever puzzler. Unfortunately, I’ve now come to …

Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword Demo (DS)

That’s right – a DS demo! The new Nintendo Channel on the Wii allows the download of DS game demos, which is pretty ace. Well, except I had all the games already. Apart from this one! And it’s pretty good. It seems very similar in style to the Ninja Gaiden II demo on the 360 I played last week, only you do everything with the stylus. And it works better than you’d expect too. I was quite impressed, although I …

Nodame Cantabile (DS): COMPLETED!

Erm, yeah. Already. After just another half and hour’s play, I reached the final performance, in which it was revealed that virtually all the other characters in the game are, in fact, the orchestra. I imagine you’d know that if you’d seen the anime the game is based on, or can read Japanese. And then there were the credits. After that, racoonhamsterbear thing played a Special Stage (the game’s theme tune), and it was all over. And! Shock! Racoonhamsterbear was …

Nodame Cantabile (DS)

So I’ve had this for ages, but because we were redoing our lounge and ditching old bookcases and stuff, it got packed in a box soon after arriving. It was unpacked a few weeks ago, and I remembered it today. So I thought I’d give it a quick go. Two hours later, I had to put it down. Yes, it is very good. If you haven’t heard of it (and that’s pretty likely – I hadn’t and only bought it …

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

With virtually no rupees left at all, I needed some quite badly. I went back to the Deku Tree and filled all my bottles with Life Dew, hoping to make BIG CAHS MONEY$, only to find they’re worth just 80 rupees each. Pff. I then made a few new foods, selling one to the creepy fat trader on the pirate ship for quite a lot of money, and the others to people in the town. This netted me quite a …

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

I seems I only needed a couple of thousand more rupees in the pool for it to grow another level – to so high I’ve opened up a whole new continent. There, I found an island covered in marsh gas, and spent a fair while blowing up the vents spewing the gas into the air. With that done, I’d pleased a queen bee (as the flowers could grow again). I also found a hole to fall in, to find it …

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

Had a wander around the Deku Forest for a while, digging lots of holes, and finding Junglo – an aging Tarzan type who, although advertising himself as strong and brave, needed rescuing from some dung beetles. No, really. I then went back to some earlier areas to stock up on some more ingredients, made some more things and sold them.

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

After eventually figuring out how much Duke the Gay Workman wanted for his spade, I could start digging stuff up. Stuff like sweet potatoes and rupees! Well, OK – only sweet potatoes and rupees. Although I did dig some holes I could fall through and found some treasure chests with more rupees in. Then the tower shrunk! I didn’t know it did that! It seems if you don’t keep chucking rupees in, it shrinks again, undoing all your rupee-earning. Rubbish! …

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (DS)

First off today I went and cooked a load of stuff using up most of my ingredients. Then I wandered round the map for a while picking more ingredients, and collecting some Snatched Pearls and other stuff of value. Selling these things, and more food, I scraped together enough rupees to make the tower grow another stage. This gave me access to Lon Lon Meadow, which is full of evil cows and mushroom things. Wandered round there for a bit, …