Portal 2 (Switch): COMPLETED!

Having completed Portal 2 in co-op, I thought I should really play the single player too. I’d remembered the overarching plot from my first playthrough, and the end boss fight (including how to beat it), but almost none of the puzzles and areas were familiar. Or rather, were but in a fuzzy sort of “this looks like something I have a very vague recollection of” in terms of graphics more than anything. So as with Portal, it was a nearly …

Portal 2 Co-op (Switch): COMPLETED!

Why yes, I did decide to play Portal 2 after Portal. And yes, I have played Portal 2 before. But! I haven’t played this Portal 2 before. I shall explain. What I’d never realised before, is that co-op mode in Portal 2 is not Portal 2 with two players. No, it’s a completely separate game. Different levels, different plot, different player character(s), just all set in the same world as Lonely Boi Portal 2. With two players at the same …

Portal (Switch): COMPLETED!

It has been a while. I’ve often thought about playing through Portal again, especially since I have it on Steam and so could play it on my Steam Deck. So, naturally, I bought it for the Switch. To be fair, it was a bundle of Portal and Portal 2, and it was on sale for under £3. And you can’t own the same game on too many platforms. Although it looks a little dated now, perhaps not as much as …

Aperture Desk Job (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Yes, I have a Steam Deck. And you know what? It’s actually great. I was sure it’d be horrible and clunky and just a bit wrong, but actually, it isn’t. Well, OK, it is still a bit clunky. To show off the ten trillion different sticks, buttons, pads, flaps, twiddles, surfaces and touchybits that the Steam Deck packs to ensure there’s a workable control method for just about every game you can throw at it, Valve created a free game …

Portal 2 (360): COMPLETED!

Well, it’s about time I completed something! Having lots of games on the go kind of drops the amount of time you spend on each so you don’t really progress in them much. However, the main thing I’ve played for the last week has been Portal 2, and, not being especially long, meant completion was pretty much inevitable. I liked the new gels, especially the conversion gel (painting an entire room with it so every surface becomes portal-able was awesome), and …

Portal 2 (360)

Hmm. This “sticking to a few games and just playing those” thing is working well, I see. Portal 2 arrived last week, so I had to play it. I was going to wait until after Skyrim, but you know how these things are. It is, as expected, awesome. Particularly Wheatley, who is just Stephen Merchant in robot form. Not just his voice (obviously, since it’s him doing it), but the “character” Stephen generally plays too. GlaDOS is great too, as …

Still Alive DS (DS)

Still Alive DS is a freeware game you can run on your DS if you have one of those evil, obviously only used for piracy, flash cards. Like an R4 or something. It’s a 2D sort-of remake of Portal, featuring the same sorts of puzzles, turrets, cubes and plasma balls, as well as the two-portal gameplay. It’s a bit fiddly to control, and it doesn’t look all that amazing, but it’s a solid, clever puzzler. Unfortunately, I’ve now come to …

Portal (360): COMPLETED!

That’s two games in one day! Amazing! After test 18, you managed to escape from the testing chambers, although I won’t say how or what happens afterwards, but when you finally defeat the end of game boss (with hilarious running commentary from the boss itself), you get the credits. Credits with the best ending song ever. Which I can’t say as it’s a spoiler. But AMAZING. And! CAKE! Yay!

Portal (360)

No, I have no idea why the “The Orange Box” box goes pink when you resize it to the thumbnail you see on the left. Most odd. Since I don’t want to complete Mario Galaxy too quickly, I’ve decided to play something else for a bit. Yeah, I know I have Phantom Arsegas and Shadow of a Colostomy on the go at the moment, but, well, this arrived yesterday and everyone says it’s ace and I’m weak. What I don’t …