Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS)
Warning: here be spoilers! If you don’t want to read them, don’t read the full post!
Warning: here be spoilers! If you don’t want to read them, don’t read the full post!
I’m actually feeling more and more intelligent with each puzzle completed. I’m finding I get a sense of smugness when I spot the “trick” on the trick question puzzles instantly. Then I get stuck on a hard one that is completely and utterly impossible. Bah. Story-wise, I’ve just reached Chinatown, but the guy I’m looking for has done a runner. Puzzle-wise, I’m just over 60 puzzles in. Time-wise, that’s about 6 hours. Chapter-wise, I’m on Chapter 8 (I think). No …
With the previous game completely completed, I was able to move on to this one, which I got for Christmas. Unsurprisingly, it’s more of the same, only (obviously) with a different story. I’ve only done 8 very simple puzzles so far, and not really opened the story much (I’ve only just got to the clock shop), so there’s not much there to comment on yet. However, one massive improvement to the game is how the memo function works – in …
Aaaaaaall done. And I mean done. All the puzzles in the story, all the extra stuff like the tea set and hamster thing, all the bonus puzzles, and all 33 of the weekly puzzles. And the Curious Village Bonus done too. DONE. ALL. DONE. Everything. I will point out this: I hate slidey shape block “escape” puzzles. Grr! And variations on Solitaire. They can sod off too. If the next game has lots of either I might get stabby.
I haven’t played this for, oooh, over a year, but I got the new one for Christmas and OCD dictates that the previous title must be exorcised of all puzzles before the new one may commence. So that’s what I was doing this evening. I don’t know how many puzzles there are in total, but I’ve now done 129 of them, as well as a few more tea set requests. No idea where the other puzzles are though.
What’s this? A game that isn’t on the Wii? Amazing! It’s been around for a while, but for several reasons I never picked it up. I saw it for under £12 this week though, so couldn’t resist. And, like every other “Metroidvania” game ever, it’s excellent. So far at least – I’m only about an hour in. It differs to most others by not being almost entirely set within Dracula’s Castle. I’ve not even been near it yet. This makes …
121 puzzles in, and I have just completed the story. There’s loads left to do, of course, but the main bit is done. Since this is the first entry in my diary for this game, I should probably say I’ve only been playing it for a week or so. I got it for Christmas with $hlmun other games, so I didn’t play it right away. It’s very much the same as the first game. There seem to be fewer puzzles …
I’ve just completed this. And it was aces. The story was a proper GTA story, the missions were proper GTA missions, and the feel was proper GTA. It was probably easier than most previous games in the series, but that wasn’t a problem. It was just GTA in your hand, and that’s excellent.
It would actually appear that the point I saved at yesterday was actually immediately before the final conversation in the game, so technically I completed it then. It took me ages (a couple of months, I think) to finish, but it’s not through lack of interest – more lack of time. I played it for 20 to 30 minutes a night, most nights, for that time. Anyway, the verdict on the game? Excellent. It’s Phoenix Wright only different only the …
Played a bit more of this over the week, and I’m now into the first day’s trial of the fourth (and, I believe, final) case. I’m really hoping for some expansion of the Phoenix Wright/Seven Years Ago backstory here, because being drip-fed tantalising snippits of it is driving me nuts (in a good way!).
I finished the first case, which yes, was pretty short. It didn’t really explain a lot about Phoenix and Trucy, but I expect later cases will do that. Now I’m onto the second case, and have done all the pre-trial investigations, and am cross-examining the witness, who is a stuck-up student. I think he did it. Maybe.
I’ve had this for aaaaages, but haven’t played it. Then I forgot I had it. Then, this week, I was looking for something I could play for reasonably short bursts on my DS and I stumbled across it on my shelf. Game get! And, it’s more of the same. Only different. Sort of. The first trial is more tutorial than anything else, but it has some Phoenix Wright backstory, introduces Apollo, and implicates his mentor. So, quite a bit in …
Downloaded all the downloadable weekly puzzles since whenever it was I last played it, and then set about completing them all. There was one that was a real pain, as I was convinced I had the answer right but it wasn’t. Then I realised it was a trick question!
Before going away for the weekend, I downloaded all the weekly puzzles since the last time I played it (back in January, I think). Over the weekend, I completed them all. Well, all bar one. You have to find the net of a die in a load of die faces. And it is impossible. Fact.
And here’s one of my posts about a new game. I started playing Shiren the Wanderer a few days ago, and I’m already hooked. You can look at the game as one of two types. It’s either a shockingly difficult RPG, where dying means starting all over again, or it’s a simplified and easier Roguelike, where you can stockpile items for later games. It just depends on how you’re playing it, really. This, however, is clear: completing it without preparing …