Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Well into Case 4 now, and have completed my first day in court against the evil von Karma prosecution lawyer. He’s a bit scary. There’s not a lot I can say about the case really, without spoiling stuff again. I can say that it involves a murder on a boat, on a lake. And a Loch Ness Monster type side-story. And a giant inflatable Samurai. Just picked up some more clues from the crime scene too. Another day in court …

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Spent most of today with the third case. It is much longer than either of the first two, and quite a bit more complicated. There’s this great character you meet – a director called Sal Manella, who talks in 1337 speak all the time. He’s hilarious. Again, I won’t spoilt it for you if you haven’t played it, but rest assured there are more twists than a twisted up twisty thing twisting around.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Like Atari MagiMix Sexy Razor Happy Girls 10 Game below, this game also arrived today. And, it too was on offer from Play Asia. I missed out when it first came out as I was worried it might be a little bit dull. I mean, it’s a game about lawyers, right? How wrong I was. I played through the first trial this evening – I was defending a friend who was framed for murder. There were plenty of plot twists, …

Another Code: Two Memories

The story in this is great, but I don’t want to reveal too much here for fear of spoiling it for anyone. Ditto the puzzles from here on in. Which I realise leaves me not very much to talk about while I’m playing it, but that’s the way it is. So there. Anyway, I’m up to Chapter 3 now, and am finding more and more out about the Edward family who lived in the mansion. I have a few ideas …

Another Code: Two Memories

In an unusual step, Nintendo released this game here in Europe before the US release, so I had to break my 20-odd strong run of imported DS games and buy my first European title. And, it’s very good. It is pretty much a Myst-like point and click adventure, with a story involving a young girl named Ashley who has found her not-actually-as-dead-as-she’d-thought Dad is actually alive and well on an island. Taking a trip over there, she loses her aunt, …