deKay's Lofi Gaming


The US version of this DS puzzle game arrived from Videogamesplus this morning – just in time for me to take it away to a conference with me. Played it a little this evening. BEST EVAAR. Hectic, frantic, spastic, fantastic, arsenic and other words ending with “ic”. It is sort of like Columns, only a bit more like Zoo Keeper. Only not like either. And it has rockets. But it is very good.

Super Demotastic Game Demo Roundup (360)

Since Fallout 3 and A Kingdom for Keflings, I’ve not really made a proper start on any other games. I’ve downloaded a played a fair few demos this week, however: Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?Apparently not, as I failed at £25,000. Even though my 5th Grader helper didn’t get the answer either, so therefore she was as thick as me. The question was about baseball, so it isn’t surprising I didn’t know what the answer was. And what …