deKay's Lofi Gaming

Lego Batman (360)

92.6% done, apparently. I’ve got all the power bricks from all the Hero missions, most of those from the Villain missions, all bar about 3 of the minikit pieces from the Hero missions, and about half of those from the Villain missions. I’ve also got a few people to rescue on various levels, and I just know I’m going to get frustrated on the ice-slide section of one of The Penguin’s levels.

Wii Fit (Wii)

30 minutes! Gasp! And it was mostly on the energetic stuff too – jogging, Advanced Hula Hoop, Step Plus (which is really pretty difficult) and Advanced Rhythm Boxing, as well as a few goes on Snowboarding, Advanced Slalom, Penguin Feeding Thing (88 points!) and Ski Jump (matching my best of 338). I did feel throughly worked out afterwards. Which is the point, really.

Endless Ocean (Wii)

Would you believe it – the Wii’s disc slot actually takes games that aren’t Mario Galaxy! I’m shocked and amazed! Although technically, I suppose, Endless Ocean isn’t a game, as it’s more of a diving simulator. I played it for about an hour, and found around 15 species of fish. Also found a dolphin medal, have acquired a pet penguin, chased a dolphin, took some old bloke for a swim to look for wrasse, and found a bit of a …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Friga moved out! Rubbish! She’d given no warning at all (usually animals pack their boxes up in their houses a day or two before they leave), just upped and left. The stupid cow. Or rather, penguin. I’d been so nice to her and got no photo from her or anything. Gah. Visited all my other animals, and even though I had some white furniture for Margie and a Camel Shirt for Frobert, neither of them asked for anything. Stupid animals. …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

I had a day’s worth of clock-stepping to catch up with today, so got a fair amount of stuff done. Sold all my turnips for 178 bells each, which wasn’t too bad. Also made around 70,000 bells selling fruit and some fish I’d caught. Today was a Flea Market day, and so I went round everyone’s houses and bought loads of stuff. Not because I needed it, but because I thought it would be funny to she them all with …

Zoo Tycoon

Added some more animals to my zoo today – an elephant, two polar bears (that soon became three with the birth of a baby) and some Emperor penguins. I put a few more buildings in too, including an Animal Theatre (which is neither for animal performances, nor for surgery) and a huge gift shop. I’m getting used to the really bizarre control system, but it is still so unintuitive I keep making mistakes.