deKay's Lofi Gaming

Irritating and Unnecessary Gaming Clichés

I’ve been gaming for a long time. This is obvious to anyone who has perused the rest of my site (the Gaming Diary and Museum both give clues to this). I’ve played a lot of games. Hundreds. Thousands, in fact. It would be naïve to assume that, having played so many games, gaming ideas are only ever used once, and so each game is an entirely unique experience. This is, of course, not true. Some things come up all the …

Emulation Newbies

New to the Emulation scene? Don’t understand terms like ‘roms’, ‘hardfiles’ and ‘disk images’? Want to get the best performance from your emulator? If so, then read on! This page is designed to aid people who are new to emulation, and to help you get the most from your emulator. It is by no means a complete HOWTO for emulation, but it will point you in the right direction. Due to the huge variety of type, styles and platforms for …

New Super Mario Bros (DS)

You know, this is the best platformer I’ve played in years. Lots and lots of years, in fact. Ten or more. Yeah, Sonic Rush was great, and some of the Sonic Advance games were pretty good, but this is fantastic. Everything about it is so right. Controls, level design, secrets, retro-ness and everything. ACES. So today I finished off the two “secret” worlds – 4 and 7. By “finished”, I of course mean “defeated the boss in the castle at …