deKay's Lofi Gaming

Magician Lord (Wii): COMPLETED!

Rubbish. Worst game ever? At this moment, it feels like it. I know it isn’t, because I’ve played worse, but it must be close. Magician Lord is a terrible excuse for a platform shooter, where your poorly animated wizard blindly stumbles around badly designed mazey levels looking for the end boss (who is usually in the last place left to look in), whilst trying to shoot or avoid rubbish looking baddies with three frames of animation each, but failing to …

Gameking – Best Handheld Evaar

On the 10th November 2004, I ordered a Gameking handheld, and 13 games, from A couple of days later, the whole lot arrived. And what a truly fantastic bit of kit it is. As you can see from the picture, the Gameking is very similar to a standard Game Boy Advance. Very similar. In fact, aside from the words and start/select button locations, almost identical. Don’t be fooled, however, as there are some quite major differences. Firstly, there’s a …

Assorted 360 Demos (360)

Four game demos tested today. Three were new on the downloads and the other has been there a while but I haven’t played it until now. Anyway – the games! Battlestar Galactica:Crap. It’s basically the same game as Wing Commander Arena, which was also crap (and by the same people) with slightly different graphics. Rubbish. Guitar Hero III:AMAZING. But then, that was obvious, yes? Exit:Would be great if it ran at least three times faster than it does. What idiot …

Densetsu no Stafi 2 (GBA): COMPLETED!

World 11 was, in fact, the final world. Dark Castle and all! As expected of the final world, many of the levels sort of repeated some of the puzzles and routines of previous levels, although obviously mixed up a bit. Thankfully, there was no SuckySuck(TM) bit either. The end boss, however, did do the usual trick of dying, only to change form and regain all his energy – twice. I wasn’t too bothered though, as each form was very different, …

My love for Castlevania

How did this happen? I’ve always liked Castlevania games, and was quite excited about 18 months ago when Dawn of Sorrow came out, even though I hadn’t really played a Castlevania game since the SNES one about 12 years previous. But good as it was, it didn’t propel me into buying any other, older, Castlevania games. Last year, however, when the first details of Portrait of Ruin for the DS were filtering onto the internet, I thought I’d best pick …

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Wii)

Today, I are mostly bin playing this. And it’s great. After the awful (and broken) Super Monkey Ball Adventure this really is a return to form. At first, the control in the single player game was impossible. After a while I got used to it, and now it makes way more sense than a “normal” controller ever did. So I’ve completed all of the first four worlds so far. None of the levels have been especially difficult, although I’ve lost …