deKay's Lofi Gaming

Stafi delivery!

Densetsu no Stafi games are ace, aren’t they? Completely incomprehensable, yes, but amazing nonetheless. And, thanks to a sale at Play Asia, I’m now the proud owner of the first and third games in the series, having completed parts 2 and 4 earlier in the year. In other Exciting Delivery News, Guitar Hero III GET!

Phase (iPod)

Considering it is “just” an iPod game, Phase has had quite a bit of media attention this week. The main reason being it’s been done by none other than Guitar Hero and now Rock Band developers Harmonix, and it’s basically more of the same. OK, so you only have three buttons (although there’s also “slide around the controller” sections), but it’s the same thing in essence. You also get to use your own music! To do this, just add tracks …

The £25 Game Challenge

Games aren’t cheap, are they? Especially if you don’t bother shopping around, and just pop into your local Game on release day and pay £50 because you’re too lazy or impatient or ignorant or rich. And, when you buy as many games as I do, that’s a lot of wasted pounds. So I’ve decided: I will no longer pay more than £25 for a game. It’s actually not as big or bold a statement as it seems. I always shop …

Assorted 360 Demos (360)

Four game demos tested today. Three were new on the downloads and the other has been there a while but I haven’t played it until now. Anyway – the games! Battlestar Galactica:Crap. It’s basically the same game as Wing Commander Arena, which was also crap (and by the same people) with slightly different graphics. Rubbish. Guitar Hero III:AMAZING. But then, that was obvious, yes? Exit:Would be great if it ran at least three times faster than it does. What idiot …

Too many games!

It’s that time of year again. Well, actually, it’s not, which is the problem. Traditionally, there’s slim pickings for new games around this time of year. The busiest times for releasing new titles (especially big titles) is normally around Christmas and often over Easter too, but the July-October period is like release death in the UK. Except this year. As well having Bioshock released this week already, there’s fahsands more out between now and the end of November. Before the …

Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi: The Genie & the Amp (DS)

This game was super cheap at Play Asia, so I bundled it in with another game. I love Puffy (the band), but am not keen on Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi (the cartoon), so it was a bit of a split decision to buy the game. Cheapness won out, though. As usual. And, well. It’s very odd. Imagine crossing Streets of Rage with Guitar Hero. And then coating it in Viewtiful Joe and Alien Hominid stuff. It’s a side scrolling …