Test your site on loads of browsers at once!

Browsershots runs your supplied URL through a metric plethora of browsers, on assorted platforms, and then provides you with screengrabs on how it looks! They seem to have a bank of virtual machines doing the real actual work, and you are placed in a queue, but it’s certainly easier than installing all the OSes and browsers yourself. I was surprised to see that this very blog not only broke on some systems, but actually killed the browser. Now that’s power!

Answering unasked questions #1

Some questions I’ve not been asked, but I think are on your lips anyway. I’ve been looking at the search terms people have been using to find my blog, and the same things are cropping up most days. Q: Hey deKay – what’s this “destroy my gems” thing all about? A: I have no idea. Well, I have some idea. You’re talking about this, right? Well, there was some discussion about the Amiga puzzle game “Gem-X” (specifically, its crap box-art) …

The amazing blog ring phenomenon

Ok, so it isn’t that amazing.¬¨‚Ć And it’s not really a phenomenon.¬¨‚Ć Or even a ring.¬¨‚Ć But “The blog” is too terse and pretty non-descriptive. I’ve been noticing an odd thing recently.¬¨‚Ć I subscribe to a fair few blogs (by subscribe, I mean I have their RSS feeds plugged into Google Reader) and over the last few weeks I’ve found that seemingly unconnected blogs have the same people comment on them. Of course, I’m a link between these blogs, but …

So, WordPress then

It has now been a week since The Great Day Of Moving, when I ditched Blogger for WordPress on this very blog. How’s it been? Actually, pretty good. There’s a few things I miss, a few things I’ve gained, but (most importantly), I haven’t regretted it. I’m now considering shifting my Gaming Diary over to WordPress too, but that’s going to be a bigger task, and one that I’m tempted to avoid until a few things are ironed out. Anyway, …

I have moved

To WordPress.¬¨‚Ć Hurrah!¬¨‚Ć Maybe.¬¨‚Ć Things seemed to go rather too smoothly, with only my old RSS feed vanishing in the process (I was going to put WordPress’s feed at the same URL as the old Blogger one, but WP doesn’t seem to let you do that). So here it is.¬¨‚Ć Amazing.

Jump decisions

For a while now, I’ve been considering moving away from Blogger and transferring my blog to WordPress. As it stands, I have a Blogger account using a customised “old-style” Blogger template (no widgets and gadgets and fancy stuff) which uploads via SFTP to my site. Thing is, I’m now finding the lack of a few things such as “next” and “prev” page links, tag clouds, and so on a bit of a limitation these days. I’ve installed WordPress and tried …

Blogger Beta: So what’s new?

Well, I finally upgraded to Blogger Beta today, which will affect parts of this site. In fact, I hope it won’t affect parts of the site, as Blogger seemed to suggest it would be OK. I’m slightly concerned about my custom template breaking things though. My main reason for jumping to the beta was I wanted to use tags for my posts. Actually, Blogger calls them “labels”, probably due to having already defined “tags” as things you stick in your …