Heavy Weapon (360) (Demo)

Hmm. OK, so it’s yet another dual-stick Robotron/Smash TV/Geometry Wars/Mutant Storm game, but it plays like a sort of vertical scroller. Yes. VERTICAL. I know you scroll from left to right, but everything attacks you from above. Anyway. It’s actually quite good too. Not so good that I went and bought the full version (I have far too many other games to play at the moment), but I may well do in the future. I did play up to the …

Novadrome (Demo) (360)

Hmm. This was today’s Xbox Live Arcade download. I applaud all the recent new titles (rather than arcade conversions), but some haven’t really been very good at all. Novadrome is just awful. It’s like a crap Twisted Metal Black clone, and that wasn’t any good to start with. I certainly won’t be buying the full version.

RoboBlitz (Demo) (360)

Hmm. This is clearly very impressive for a 50MB game (most of which I’d imagine is the Unreal 3 Engine it uses), and it’s nice to have more original content on the Xbox Live Arcade service, but it isn’t that fantastic a game. It’s a bit puzzley, a bit platformy, and a bit smacky-shooty, but has control and camera issues. So, nice to play for a while, but not worth the 1,200 points it costs, I don’t think.