Eternal Sonata (360)

Spent just over an hour wandering round the inside of the fort, pressing switches and stuff. Found a sign that said there were five switches, one “that goes back”, which I’m assuming is the “reset” one I found but didn’t touch. I think I’ve hit the other five now – I just need to make it back to a door that was locked before (and, I’m assuming unlocked now). Had some real trouble to start with, as the baddies in …

Eternal Sonata (360)

Played about an hour more of this, not realising that my previous “two hours” were actually nearer three and a half. Time sink! I’ve made it to a fort, which is full of mice. I’m pleased to see that standard RPGisms are in full force, with the same baddies as earlier in the game, only harder and a different colour. Reminds me of the Chirpers from Phantasy Star III. Oh, and I now have five people in my party, as …

Eternal Sonata (360)

I’ve not been feeling too well today (no, not drinking excess from last night – I had this before them, just not so bad), so didn’t fancy anything fast-paced to play or camera-swingingly nauseating (I recall some badness when playing Crackdown whilst unwell once), so I didn’t pick up Mario Galaxy or Psychonauts, instead opting for this, which I got for Christmas. The first thing that hits you about the game is how gorgeous it looks. I don’t think I’ve …

Eternal Sonata (Demo) (360)

After the shady doings of t’other day (where I used a US XBL account to download Aegis Wing), I followed up with a Japanese XBL account to get hold of the Eternal Sonata demo from the Japanese marketplace. “But why?” I hear you all cry, “It’s a Japanese RPG! How on earth will you understand it?”. Well, because when you play it using a UK account, it’s all in spangly English! Hurrah! And a little strange! So I played it …