Wii Fit (Wii)

Yay! I managed to ace the Step Aerobics game! Well, not ace as such, but I did only get one miss. And I scraped a few more seconds off my Tightrope time, and improved on my Ski Jump score – but still can’t beat my wife. I did, however, thrash her football score of 100 with my amazing score of 234. Ha!

Wii Fit (Wii)

Racked up another 24 minutes today (same amount as yesterday), but spent less time on the Yoga and more on the aerobic and balance exercises. I’m finding the tightrope walking easy, the ski jump impossible to break 300 on, and the jogging on the spot was actually quite good fun. Yes, fun. Amazing.

Weekly Round Up

I’ve been a bit busy this week so haven’t had time to fill in my diary. So here’s a brief rundown of what I’ve been playing: Me and My Katamari (PSP)It’s been this for most of the week. It is good and all, but I’m finding it a bit limiting. There are so few locations in the game (even fewer than the 360 version, in fact) that almost every level is a repeat of the last, with a different – …