deKay's Lofi Gaming

Catan (360)

I actually got to play online! Hurrah! It took AGES of waiting about in the lobby for others to join though. Finally had four players, although one quit instantly. And then, as soon as someone was two points ahead, someone else quit. Idiot. However, I did finish the game with the remaining player (a German guy) staying in right to the end, even though it was clear he had no chance of winning for the last 20 minutes or so …

Catan (360)

I’m still struggling to get games working online. I can’t even join lobbies half the time. Tch. It’s a good job, then, that the offline mode is so great. Played through twice this evening, once on Easy and then again on Moderate, winning both times. I avoided the can’t-make-roads problems of previous games by ensuring I had access to a steady supply of bricks and lumber from the off, but in the Moderate game my opponents kept putting the soldier …

Catan (360)

Had another run through on Easy today, and won without much difficulty – even if Ore cards were somewhat had to come by (only one player could actually pick them up, and only if an 11 was rolled). Unlocked a couple of achievements along the way as well. I was going to try playing online, but didn’t bother in the end as for some reason everyone on my friends list who was playing Catan stopped the moment before I was …

Catan (360)

I spent very many minutes trying to actually get online and play this today. Someone on my friends list invited me, but it wouldn’t let me join. I invited him, but he didn’t get the invite. I found someone else I knew hosting, and it wouldn’t let me join. I hosted, and people joined, but it wouldn’t let me start the game. I joined random people’s games, and it wouldn’t let them start either, and on the one occasion when …

Catan (360)

Due to technical reasons (that allow you to unlock the full game for free), the trial version of Catan (which I really should stop mentally adding “The Forever Man” to the end of) wasn’t available to download today. So I thought, bugger it – it’s only money! And bought it anyway. And I’m glad I did, as it’s great! Imagine a cross between Civilisation and the card game Rummy, with added board game Hotel. No, I’m serious. You have a …

Ticket to Ride (360)

I played the demo, and instantly warmed to it. In the same way Catan and Carcassonne have both been ace. So I had to buy it! And then promptly lost to the computer. It would appear the AI improves once you’ve bought the game. The demo is a lie!

Carcassonne (360)

The “Kings and Barons” expansion pack for this appeared during the week, but since I’d spent the last points I had on Tetris Splash and my credit card had been stolen by the postman so I couldn’t buy any more. Today, however, I had my new card and it was put into immediate service, buying some points. Played (in single player) a few games with the new expansion (and all the previous ones active too), and it really does change …