deKay's Lofi Gaming

Family Game Night (360)

Look, I didn’t buy this, OK? I got a free copy of Connect 4 with something I ordered from SoftUK, and then today I won a competition to win Yahtzee, Battleship and another (great!) copy of Connect 4. Joy! What do I think? I think it’s… alright? Stupidly expensive if you fork out 800 points each for the games, and the real-life versions of the games are more, well, usable (and don’t have Mr Potato Head prancing around all the …

Prizes for me!

I won a competition today! I’m most impressed, as I never, ever, win anything. At all. Ever. I had to come up with family friendly versions of “mature rated” games. In the end, I think I won through swamping them with entries. Anyway, my prizes? Not so amazing, unfortunately. I won copies of Xbox Live Arcade lemons Yahtzee, Connect 4 and Battleship. They’re not awful, but they’re not exactly the sort of thing I’d normally be after. Not least because …

42 All-Time Classics (DS)

Played this with my wife for quite a while this evening. The Balance game got quite ridiculous as we had about ten blocks stacked up, lengthways, up the middle of the see-saw. I lost horribly at Bowling, Dominos confused us with it’s silly “5 Up” rules, and the battleships “clone” was OK, but the one-square-big “ships” were rubbish.

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Mission 22 was easy! Daunting at first, but when you realise the enemy can’t build any new units (nor can you though), and you’re separated by a pipe, you can damage them heavily before they break through then finish them off once they make it over your side. Which is what I did. And, despite some stupid mistakes on my part (one of which lost me my battleship), I S-Ranked it! BEST.

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Bah. I was doing really well, had shot all the missiles at the satellite, and had destroyed the huge cannon thing. I had even managed to make inroads towards the Black Hole base, and was generally winning. I had a small army of Blue Moon Neotanks and artillery en-route to do some damage, and a Blue Moon Battleship was providing backup and cover. And then, I got sloppy and let one Black Hole soldier through to the Blue Moon base …