Search Results for: Mr. Driller
Mr. Driller Online (360)
Quest Mode 1000m completed! It netted me an achievement too, for getting 10 quests completed in a row. In the process I discovered something: there are items you can use! No one told me this! I’ve played (and completed!) many Mr Driller games before, and have never noticed items before. How did I not know this?
Mr. Driller Online (360)
Thanks to some people in ugvm “bigging this up” (as the kids would say, I think), I ended up buying it tonight. Well, playing the (very short) demo a little and having exactly the right number of MS Points to pay for it also swayed the decision a little… But is it any good? Of course it is. It’s Mr. Driller. It is very hard though. The 100 and 500m levels (on both normal and “quest” modes) were very easy, …
Mr. Driller (WS): COMPLETED!
After just three attempts this evening (dying at about 350 and 650m on the first two attempts), I completed 1000m mode, and therefore, the game! I lost my first life at around 400m, and the second at 600m. When I got to 900m I made a dash for it, picking up just two easy-to-grab air tanks along the way, and making it with just 20% air left. I then watched the credits, which made no sense whatsoever, and checked to …
Mr. Driller (WS)
Gah. MUCH. TOO. HARD. I must have tried ten times, and the furthest I got was a feeble 672m. I don’t seem to be able to get past about 300m without losing at least one life any more. Clearly, this is rubbish.
Mr. Driller (WS)
Didn’t do too well on this today. Averaged around 650m or so over about ten attempts, although my highest was 884m – not bad. I ran out of air, less than a second before an air tank thing landed on my head. Rubbish. Also rubbish was how well I did on about another ten aborted attempts – losing two lives before 300m, so I restarted each one.
Mr. Driller (WS)
Hmm. It seems my “760m-ish” was actually only 743m, and it took me a good ten or so attempts to better that today. Even then I only managed 771m. I can get to about 600m without losing a life almost every single time now (except for the occassional slip up where I lose them all before I hit 200m – rubbish!), but then it all goes wrong and I lose three in quick succession. It’s like I’m “in the zone”, …
Mr. Driller (WS)
With 500m mode out of the way, I had many, many attempts at 1000m mode instead. Although it seems easier than Drill Spirits on DS in many ways (although I’m not really sure why – it’s the same game in essence), I didn’t manage to do very well. 760m-ish was about my best run. Of course, unlike the DS game, you can’t buy extra lives, power-ups and shields and stuff, so things are made somewhat harder that way. However, almost …
Mr. Driller (WS)
I haven’t played a WonderSwan game in what seems like $hlmun years. Had a quick go on this (which arrived today) mainly to make sure it worked. And it’s great, although I think it’s a missed opportunity on the WS – it would have been ACE to play with the screen vertical, but no. Played and completed 500m mode, losing only one life. That makes it one tenth as difficult as the DS Mr. Driller game, which was virtually impossible.
Completed 2006
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater (N-Gage 07/01/2006) Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 (GBA 21/01/2006) Mawashite Koron (DS 22/01/2006) Tony Hawk’s Underground (GBA 02/02/2006) Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox 04/02/2006) Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 (GBA 10/02/2006) Tony Hawk’s American Sk8land (GBA 13/02/2006) Mario vs Donkey Kong (GBA 16/02/2006) Super Mario Ball (GBA 18/02/2006) Tony Hawk’s Skateboarding (DC 04/03/2006) Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 (DC 05/03/2006) Mr. Driller (WS 19/03/2006) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC 25/03/2006) XIII (Mobile 29/03/2006) Hexic HD …