deKay's Lofi Gaming

Car Quest (Switch): COMPLETED!

My first impressions of Car Quest were, it has to be said, less than favourable. It had, as I mentioned on Twitter after my first hour’s play, a definite air of “My First Unity” game about it, not least because of the sparse, blocky environment that just screams “I can’t draw but I can sellotape geometric shapes together”. You, a car, don’t fit within this style either thematically or graphically, and it feels like a placeholder that was never replaced …

Metal Slug (Wii): COMPLETED!

I had a bit of a spending spree in town today, and bought 6 Wii games. One of which was SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1, and on that (amongst other things) was Metal Slug. Lovely, lovely Metal Slug. Being the original, of course, it’s nowhere near as funny (or outright silly) as the later games – no aliens or zombies here. It was also a lot easier than I remember the series being too, because although I used a few …

Sonic the Hedgehog (360)

No, not the awful recent 3D “masterpiece” that I refuse to buy, but the original Megadrive version, available today on XBLA. Yes. I already have this game twelventyzillion times. Yes, I have completed it on the Wii since Christmas. Yes. I did buy it. Again. But it is lovely, see? And this version lets you save your game whenever you want! And there are leaderboards! So it was worth it, yes? Of course it was. Anyway. I’m up to Spring …

Super Mario Bros (Wii)

Back in the day, I completed this zeventyfazillion times. I could do it with my eyes closed. I could do it upside down in a bucket of water. I could do it by shouting instructions over the phone to someone else holding the controller. Now? I can’t get from 8-1 to 8-4 without losing at least two lives, can’t get past the water bit on 8-4 at all, and am generally just crap at it. Clearly, Nintendo have hardified it …