The Guts of the Wii Nunchuk

In traditional style, new hardware is dismantled and displayed on a website in some sort of technology snuff porn. They seem to be disappointed that there wasn’t some sort of pot of gold, the Holy Grail, or a cure for cancer inside. The Guts of the Wii Nunchuk – Gameworld Network news story In other news, Nintendo call it the “Nunchuk”, not “Nunchuck”. Please update your brains accordingly.

Brown’s Arctic Monkeys admission

Does anyone really actually care if politicians like “popular music” or not? Does it matter if Gordon Brown said he likes the band, then can’t name any songs? I like Editors, and even have their album, but can I name any of their tracks? No. They should just stop trying to be “down wid da kidz” and stay away from all that sort of thing. BBC NEWS | UK | Brown’s Arctic Monkeys admission

Sony: Nintendo is losing audience, not expanding it

Won’t the Sony lie-spewing machine ever stop? “And if you look at the adoption rate of the DS over the first 17 months, not only does it trail the PSP but it also trails their other platforms“. Oh my. Do they even realise the rubbish they come out with sometimes? :: Sony: Nintendo is losing audience, not expanding it – Joystiq