25 years ago this week, a man named Clive Sinclair unleashed the future into an unsuspecting world. That is, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum was released.
The details of the machine and its history have been reported all over the internet already today, so I won’t bother duplicating any of that here. I should, however, point out how much the Spectrum changed my own life.
As MJ Hibbett and The Validators so musically sang, my parents bought me a 48K Spectrum+ in 1984 to “help with my homework”. Of course, I did have a few edutainment titles, and yes, I did use it as a giant expensive calculator on more than one occasion, but once I’d loaded Thru’ The Wall and Maze Chase that came on the guide tape, it was clear that the Spectrum was for gaming.
From little acorns, naturally, grow giant oaks, and here I am now – somewhat addicted to gaming. Tch, eh?
Happy birthday, Speccy!