On the 4th of March 2001, I posted this message to uk.games.video.misc:
I had a thought today. After seeing the new issue of Zzap!64, and being a reader of www.ys3.co.uk, I wondered if a load of bods from ugvm fancied doing a multiformat web-based magazine.
Maybe every few months – you know, some reviews, some news, some letters, etc?
Well, it was just a thought. Show Edge/IGN/GamesRadar/etc how to do it properly?
I’m not suggesting I “take the reins”, but I am willing to take some part in the proceedings.
And, with that, ugvm was born. As it turns out, I did “take the reins” and finally, come September 2002, the first issue was released. Between then and the end of 2003, seven more issues were created, each larger than the last, with the final issue being a smaller one-off Christmas Special. Then, nothing.
I simply didn’t have the time or energy to carry on the project, and so it, well, stopped. I’d started Issue 08, but didn’t finish it.
Then, last year, Zomoniac, a poster on uk.games.video.misc offered to revive the magazine. I passed everything I had onto him, and lo, almost 18 months after that, ugvm is back!
How “back” it is, we don’t know yet. There is some debate as to whether we should have a web-based system in the future (meaning no magazine, but no delays or deadlines), or more magazines. Or both. Or neither. We just don’t know.
Anyway, head over to ugvm.org.uk to download the new issue, and, if you’ve never heard of it before, get hold of the back issues.
Thanks for that
Just read the first half and browsed the rest but i’ll finish it later tonight
Very well put together and it looks as if a lot of hard work has gone into it. Looking forward to issue 9 😉