NaNoWriMo 2010 #2

NaNoWriMo 2010 #2

Extract #2

James and Colin had known each other since primary school. Colin joined part way through the last year before “big school”, and due to an incident involving a hot glue gun and some toilet rolls on his first day he ended up in the medical room at the same time as James who was having another fake asthma attack caused by the onset of PE. They’d been friends, of varying closeness, ever since. They didn’t agree on everything, and at one point didn’t speak to each other for almost six months when one of the pair very vocally deemed Star Trek Voyager better than Star Trek Deep Space Nine. There was a black eye and some offensive notes (some of which had very intricate instructional diagrams) were passed around class, but eventually they made up after Liam Clarke from the year below told them that Babylon 5 was, in fact, superior to both.

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