What I might perhaps call a “focussed” week, since I’ve only played two different games.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Wii U)
I do love a good JRPG, although it’s rare I ever seem to play them, probably as they’re a bit daunting to begin due to their usual length. The last one was Earthbound, I think, or Persona 4 Golden perhaps. This is so much in the style of the latter. I’m currently about 16 hours in, and have just made a start on Chapter 3. I’m trying to complete all the side missions as they occur, so it’s quite slow progress. I’m really enjoying it though, and love unlocking all the skills and stuff.
Lego Marvel Avengers (PS4)
Yes! I finally bought it. I haven’t played through very far yet, only a handful of levels, and like other recent Lego games I’m doing it all in co-op with my daughter. It’s great so far, although we have already had a game-breaking bug (I spawned inside some debris, and couldn’t get out). Par for the course with Lego games, I suppose.
Lego Mar–oh, wait. No. I’ve got that now. No Man’s Sky (PS4) and Zelda (NX) then! Anything else? The new Paper Mario (Wii U) probably.
Nothing. Still a bit ill, but I think, finally, it might be on the way out.
Lego Marvel Avengers (PS4) and Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (PS4), £30 for the pair.