You know that No Man’s Sky? Yeah? So do I. I know it a lot.
No Man’s Sky (PS4)
It is no surprise to see this here. I’m up to what must be 125 hours now, and am firmly committed to reaching the centre of the galaxy. Pretty much all I’ve done for the last week is warp and fly into black holes. Unfortunately, the latter has a tendency to knacker your ship, so I’ve had to stop off to find resources to repair my warp drives a few times – resulting in several searches for gold. Lots of gold. When I look back at how much gold I sold earlier in the game… Anyway, I’m just under 10,000 light years from the centre now, so not even half way there from my starting point. I also have one milestone left to get – survive some more on an extreme planet. Apparently spending a real-life 6 hours on one planet where I had two radiation shields I was constantly replenishing, and the word “EXTREME” plastered on the screen for so long it burnt into my TV isn’t long enough to affect the timer.
Pokémon Go (iOS)
Some minor excitement this week as through evolutions I obtained both a Cloyster and a Wigglytuff. Yay!
Pokémon Y (3DS)
My daughter is so much further ahead in this than me now it isn’t even funny any more. I’ve still not even reached the third gym and she’s beaten the fourth. Tch.
As always, the same stuff: Sonic Mania (NX), Pokémon Sun or Moon (3DS), Zelda (NX) and Paper Mario (Wii U). And, of course, an NX. However, having heard Very Good Things, I also want Virginia (PS4) now too.
Had a cold all week. That wasn’t fun. Also, Playstation Two Factor Authentication, which would be great if it ever actually sent or requested the code to make it two factor – it never does when I log in.
Nothing! Phew.